Our Last Regular Trivia was on Thursday June 13th, 2024

We received an email in early June 2024 that our yearly subscription to Crowdpurr, the web software we use for trivia, is up for renewal at the end of the month. After talking it over, we feel that our four years of Trivia has run its course and have decided to not renew. It makes us sad to say this.

We did not have a long term plan for trivia when we started it back in May of 2020 and its crazy to think its been 4 years already. We have met so many amazing people over the last couple of years and truly appreciate all of you playing, hanging out & making us laugh, and most of all your team names… God we love how clever the team names are every time we play.

So what now? We are not saying that we will never do trivia again. We may surprise you in the future with random games from time to time but for now the regular monthly trivia will be stopping.